Content Providers are again one of the fundamental
building blocks of the Android Platform. So far, we have looked at Activities,
which are basic building blocks. We have also looked at intents,
and variations of the same. None
of these have dealt with stored data. Content Provider brings us to the concept
of how to deal with data stored in the Android mobile esp. if the data has to
be shared across applications.
Before we move on to shared data, let us
understand the basics of data storage support provided by Android.
There are 4
ways we can store data:
- 1. Preferences
- 2. Files
- 3. RDBMS (SQLite)
- 4. Network
– Preferences are used to store user preferences for a single application or
across applications in a mobile. They are typically name-value pairs accessible
to the context.
– Files can be stored directly on to the mobile or to extended storage mediums.
They are by default not accessible to applications other than the one that
created it.
(RDBMS) – Android support creation of databases based on SQLite. These are
again private to the application that created it.
– Android provides API support to store data over the network on to a server,
Note that all these are various forms of storing
data and most often for a single application. Irrespective of how data is
stored, if it has to be shared across applications, Here comes the concept of
Content Providers.
Content Providers are the only way to share data
across Android applications. They store and retrieve data thus making it
accessible to all. Android platform provides default implementations of content
providers for data types like audio, video, images, contact information etc.
In the sample I would like to first show how to
work with existing content providers like the contact information. We will first
view the existing contacts on the phone. We will insert a new contact
(hardcoded name and phone number), update the same contact and delete the same
contact, in this example. Note that the update and delete will not work till we
create a contact through this example.
Introduction to Content Providers:
Irrespective of how the data is stored, Content
Providers give a uniform interface to access the data. Data is exposed as a
simple table with rows and columns where row is a record and column is a
particular data type with a specific meaning. Like a row could be about a
single person and the columns could be the person’s first name, number,
address, email id etc.
Each record is identified by a unique _ID field
which is the key to the record. Each content provider exposes a unique URI that
identifies its data set uniquely. This URI is equivalent to a table name in a
database. The URI consists of various parts: eg: content://com.colllabera.labs.sai/tasks/123
is a unique URI. content:// is a standard prefix. com.collabera.labs.sai
is the authority, tasks is the table name, 123 is the unique
For the native content providers, these unique
URIs are declared as constants in an interface. So, in our program we will be
using constants like People.CONTENT_URI which
internally translates to content://contacts/people
Let us now look at the code to view all the
existing contacts:
//Here is the button to click for viewing the contacts
Button view =
//The method
/ class that gets invoked when the View button is clicked
view.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v){
Log.i("NativeContentProvider", "Completed Displaying Contact list");
//Here is the displayContacts()
private void displayContacts() {
columns = new String[] {People.NAME,People.NUMBER};
mContacts = People.CONTENT_URI;
mCur = managedQuery(mContacts, // Contact URI
columns, // Which columns to return
null, //
Which rows to return
null, //
Where clause parameters
null //
Order by clause
if (mCur.moveToFirst()) {
name = null;
phoneNo = null;
do {
name =
phoneNo =
Toast.makeText(NativeContentProvider.this, name + " " + phoneNo, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
while (mCur.moveToNext());
Here we are using the Activity.managedQuery(..)
to create and execute a query against the provided URI. The comments against the
parameters in the code is self-explanatory. This returns a cursor
object that can be iterated using the two methods moveToFirst()
and moveToNext().
For simplicity sake, I have just toasted the contact name and phone number retrieved.
An advanced tutorial can start a new activity that can display this in a ListView.
Now, we can move on to creating a new contact.
While the button related code will be very similar to the above, let us look at
the actual createContact() method.
private void
createContact(String name, String phone) {
contact = new ContentValues();
contact.put(People.NAME, name);
insertUri = getContentResolver().insert(People.CONTENT_URI, contact);
phoneUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(insertUri, People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
contact.put(People.Phones.TYPE, People.TYPE_MOBILE);
contact.put(People.NUMBER, phone);
updateUri = getContentResolver().insert(phoneUri,
Toast.makeText(NativeContentProvider.this, "Created a
new contact: " + name + " " + phone, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Here we need to understand 2 new classes: ContentResolver
and ContentValues.
A ContentResolver
provides applications access to the content data / model. We can get a handle
to a ContentResolver
by calling the getContentResolver() method within
the Activity.
This provides methods to insert, update and delete data. In order to insert
data, we need to provide it through a ContentValues
object. A ContentValues Object is nothing but a name, value
pair where the name of the column is to be mentioned. So, we pass the URI and
the ContentValues
to insert()
method which returns a unique URI with the new ID created. Once we get the ID
of the new person/contact inserted, we insert his/her mobile phone details into
the related Phones table by using the returned insertUri.
The insertUri
which is unique to the new record is stored as a class variable to use it in
the delete method later. The phoneUri is also stored for
updating the same in the updateContact() method later.
Note that People
is a class that has implemented various interfaces like android.priovider.BaseColumns,
etc. These constants come from the interfaces.
With the above understanding let us see the update
and delete methods:
private void
updateContact(String phone) {
if (updateUri == null) {
Toast.makeText(NativeContentProvider.this, "There is
nothing to update, Please create a contact and then click update", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else {
newPhone = new ContentValues();
newPhone.put(People.Phones.TYPE, People.TYPE_MOBILE);
newPhone.put(People.NUMBER, phone);
getContentResolver().update(updateUri, newPhone, null,null);
Toast.makeText(NativeContentProvider.this, "Updated the
phone number to: " + phone, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
"Updated the phone number");
private void deleteContact() {
if (updateUri == null) {
Toast.makeText(NativeContentProvider.this, "Please
create a contact by clicking create button, then I can delete the same", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else {
getContentResolver().delete(insertUri, null, null);
Toast.makeText(NativeContentProvider.this, "Deleted
contact at: " + insertUri.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
updateUri = null;
insertUri = null;
Log.i(getClass().getSimpleName(),"Deleted the contact inserted by this program");
These methods only manipulate the freshly created record,
for simplicity sake. They call upon the update() and delete() method on the ContentResolver.
The complete code for this example is available here.
Please note that you must add the following permissions
to the AndroidManifest.xml file to
be able to access the contacts.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS"></uses-permission>
Otherwise you get a SecurityException.
UPDATE: Please note that the article talks about the Contacts API before SDK 2.0. For the newer updated version, please check this article on New Content Provider